Parent/Caregiver Support
"Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see further." --Thomas Carlyle
Parents and caregivers of neurologically diverse individuals may benefit from consultation. I can provide educational tools, referrals, and an opportunity to help problem-solve issues ranging from household chores to long-term transition planning.
Challenges often associated with neuro-diversity can be highly stressful for parents and caregivers, who typically bear primary responsibility for support, planning, education and life skills development. The stress may be even higher if faced with frequent emotional outbursts or behavioral issues at home, or if additional issues are compounding the situation, such as ADHD, learning challenges, anxiety, or highly-restricted eating. Parents and caregivers of "high-functioning" children may also struggle to determine how to balance effectively between supporting/advocating for their child and encouraging him or her to be fully independent.
Above all, my aim is to help parents and caregivers feel that they are not alone, and to offer a place for them to feel supported and acknowledged for the role they play in the life of their child.